Dale's Blender Tips

This Recipe     About The Chef     Healthy Tips                

  • No space?  No problem!  Chop one item, put it into the blender, then use the same space to chop the next item – you won’t need a big counter top.
  • dale_blend2.jpgSneak in vitamin rich foods like kale.  You can still boost the flavor with strong natural flavors from blueberries or honey.
  • Don’t water down your smoothie with ice – freeze your fruit and then blend it in for a richer vitamin packed treat!
  • Are your teeth not as strong as they used to be?  Blending makes foods soft while keeping the nutritional value and flavor!  (Although boiling vegetables softens them too, it weakens the taste and drains the vitamins!)
  • In one blender batch, you can make several filling shakes – have it at meal time or an afternoon snack.  Freeze one and you have a creamy treat ready to go – day or night!





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