The Poets Of Project FIND #2


Bill.jpgAs a continuation of last week's theme on the various poets of Project FIND, here I present another composition by an additional senior involved with the organisation. William 'Bill' Orance, originally a native of Chicago has lived in New York since the late 1960s and has been writing poetry for some time. Whilst interviewing him at the Clinton senior center he was kind enough to share with me several of his writings and allow me to use this particular poem for the purposes of the blog and website. From reading his numerous pieces I found that Bill bases them around a wide number of topics and themes, the one shown below titled 'Art Is Not Love' in his own words is an attack on plagiarism and an advice poem. He explained to me that sometimes the world doesn't appreciate the talents that others bring to it, and will in fact often take such talents from those who were gracious enough to divulge them in the first place out of  pure selfishness. A thought-provoking piece indeed, enjoy!

Art is not love young man

Do not let them fool you

Everyone the best he can

What he knows or can do

The infinite is for giving

Finite talents for the living


There may be a time son

When you’ve glimpsed the divine

A war many battles hard won

You have seen the magic sunshine

Your talent your love to share

What other could meet you there


What was it that drove you to this

Something you had from the beginning

Christ gave love, got Judas’ kiss

Quest to transcend can’t escape sinning

The other may take it all in

And silently walk away with a grin


Your situation is dire

A dreamer you are

Your attraction is fire

Led on by a star

Be aware

There’s no lair there


The ethereal of art

Stands aloof from the masses

They cannot take part

There are no master classes

No other choice, be a singular man

The searchers of history, your clan


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