Hamilton House
141 West 73rd Street,#1O
New York, NY 10023
If you have Adobe Acrobat Reader, you may click on the links below to view and print applications for each of our residences.
Hamilton / Hargrave Application Information
If you are unable to print the application from this website, you must request one in writing. Your request must include your date of birth, a self address stamped envelope, and the building application requested. Send your request to the above address.
Hargrave House
As of February 2023, we are processing applicants from 2022. The estimated wait time for a studio/one bedroom unit is between 2 to 4 years.
Like the Hamilton, the Hargrave was an old Manhattan hotel converted into a modern moderate-rent residence for the elderly. In 1975, Hargrave Associates was formed to acquire the Hargrave House Hotel, using financing from the City of New York.
Located near the corner of Columbus Avenue and West 71st Street, Hargrave House was designed by the architectural firm of Schwartz & Gross and built in 1913 as a neo-Renaissance style hotel.
Hargrave’s 112 apartments are restricted to persons who are 62 years of age and older and earning less than 80% of Area Median Income (AMI), which as of 2021, must not exceed $66,880 for a single person or $76,400 for a couple.
With $6.3 million in acquisition and capital financing from the NYC Department of Housing Preservation and Development and the Community Preservation Corporation, Project FIND was able to buy out all eleven limited partners and transfer the Hargrave property to not-for-profit ownership in 2002. Simultaneously, Project FIND embarked on a $3.5 million capital improvement program. This included the expansion of life-safety services, the replacement of passenger elevators, windows, roofing and boilers, as well as the re-pointing of the entire façade. The renovation was completed in 2002.
Special Features
The residents of Hargrave House have access to social work services, funded by the New York State Office of Temporary and Disability Assistance.
The Hamilton Senior Center Annex is located on the ground floor of the building and is accessed through a separate entrance. The Annex space focuses on the health and wellness programs of the Hamilton Senior Center.