Our four OACs offer congregate meal services Monday through Friday on a first come, first served basis. These nutritious, freshly prepared meals can be eaten on site or taken to go.
Our centers continue to provide a variety of online and in-person classes designed to uniquely stimulate and nourish the body, mind, and spirit of adults age 60+.
To learn more about our four Older Adult Centers and their unique, no cost programs and services, please use the links below:
- Coffeehouse Older Adult Center (331 West 42nd)
- Woodstock Older Adult Center (127 West 43rd)
- Clinton Older Adult Center (530 West 55th)
- Hamilton Older Adult Center (141 West 73rd & 111 W 71st St.)
Our Homeless-In-Reach Plus (HIR+) Program
Since the Woodstock opened its doors in 1977, street homeless and destitute seniors have been a constant at the site, seeking out Project FIND’s blend of supports and welcoming atmosphere. The beauty of the Woodstock is that homeless seniors have access to an array of services including nutritious meals, hot showers, clean clothes, mail service and caring staff combined with critical in-house medical and behavioral health assistance. HIR began in the 1990’s and consistently places one-third of its participants in housing arrangements assisting them on their paths to self-sufficiency. The opportunity to shower and change clothes is used as the primary point of engagement to establish relationships; to evaluate and refer participants to a range of services; to assist in entitlements; to connect to the shelter/supportive housing system and to check on medical and psychiatric needs. With the support of the Fan Fox and Leslie R. Samuels Foundation we instituted a program expansion in September 2019, called HIR Plus. The Foundation invested in our privately funded program to help expand staffing with one day of psychiatric care and peer services to support clients in obtaining HRA 2010e homeless housing applications. Project FIND is pleased to announce that at the end of 2020 we obtained additional support for HIR+ from the Mother Cabrini Health Foundation to fund essential staff positions within HIR+ so we may serve even more street homeless individuals. We are grateful to both foundations for lending this assistance.
We are currently accepting referrals. To learn more about the program, please call Richard Meador at 212-730-3259 ext. 417 or [email protected].
The Woodstock Hotel
127 West 43rd Street
Hours: Monday - Friday 9 am - 5 pm
The HIR+ program routinely accepts much needed clothing donations for street homeless men and women. We need pants, shoes, shirts, and socks for men as well as pants and skirts for women. To make a donation or to inquire further please contact Kathy Fitzgibbons at 212-874-0300 ext. 210
Thank you!