Ponsie B. Hillman Way

Ponsie_portrait.jpgWe are thrilled to report that Community Board 7 approved the resolution to designate the NW corner of 71st Street and Columbus Avenue as MRS. PONSIE B. HILLMAN WAY!

A ceremony will be planned in the fall.

Project FIND enthusiastically supported the street co-naming after Mrs. Ponsie B. Hillman -- a trailblazer in the civil rights and labor movements. 

Mrs. Hillman was a long-time supporter of Project FIND whose many years of volunteering made her a beloved member of our community on the Upper West Side, particularly at our Hargrave Senior Center.


Mrs. Hillman was also a relentless fundraiser on our behalf with legendary skills in running the Hargrave Charity Boutique.  She spent many years working with Center Director Aaron DeBroux and was well-known for being able to recruit and rally around sizeable groups of seniors to participate in our healthy and creative aging programs.

Read more about Ponsie Hillman's inspiring life HERE




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