Hargrave Roof Top Garden Harvest

FIND’s “Food for Thought: Farm to Table” project had guest up for  a harvest of its Hydroponic Farm on  the roof   top of the Hargrave House right next to the Project FIND senior center’s on West 71st Street.

Hamilton-RooftopHArvest.jpgWe were joined by City Council Member Helen Rosenthal, NY State Assemblymember Linda Rosenthal, Diana Howard form the Manhattan Borough President's Office and Marisa Cespedes from Televisa who were shooting a segment on the weekly harvest.

It's the new wave in green New Yorkers --  raising their own crops in the city! 

With over a dozen beds and more than 700 hydroponic slots it’s a leafy oasis in the sky. 

The rooftop farm group meets early every Wednesday morning, with trained horticulturalist Gwenn Fried, to harvest fresh food and transplant new seedlings to keep the growing cycle going.  

These  greens, herbs and vine growing vegetables are taken right downstairs to be served serve in the Hamilton Senior Center’s new eco-salad bar and as ingredients for a filled to capacity weekly ‘Food for Thought’ cooking class led by integrated nutritionist Lolly Totero.

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