Project FIND Holds Booster Vaccination Event!
Project FIND helped thirty of its participants and residents access the COVID Booster on Wednesday, April 19.
With the Arcturus COVID variant on the move, Project FIND provided its community with the opportunity to keep current on their boosters at its April 19 event held at the Hamilton Older Adult Center from 10:30 am-12:30 pm. Resident Bonetta Howell (top left) explained how she caught COVID early on in the pandemic and needs to keep herself protected from future illness. Hamilton Center participant Margaret Dearlove visited our Coffeehouse Center before the pandemic and as of this fall began attending the Hamilton Center. She loves the arts and crafts activities and manages to attend the Hamilton four times a week traveling all the way from her home in Brooklyn! Wanting to keep current on her COVID vaccines, Margaret was sure to make today's session before lunch and her 1 pm art class. Even Director of Social Work Russell Eisgrub decided to get his booster. Special thanks to Allure Pharmacy's Ronnie Moore and Angelo O'Neill for administering the boosters and supporting our seniors!