What Adults Can Still Learn From Mister Rogers
"Hi neighbor,
You cannot say those words, even many years since Fred Rogers last created new TV shows, without knowing that they’re from Fred Rogers. That gentle voice with the slight drawl soothed even the most restless spirits.
I remember coming home from preschool and having my babysitter turn on Channel 12 – my local PBS channel – to calm me before “rest time.” But it doesn’t matter if you were a child in the decades that Mister Rogers was on TV. Rogers, who died in 2003, created nearly 900 episodes of Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood — and in the process, cultivated life lessons to last the rest of our lives. And so much of his wisdom applies to us in our many stages of adulthood.
In celebration of Mister Rogers’ birthday (he would have been 89 on March 20), here are six of those gems:"
Find out what those lessons are at NEXT AVENUE
pic via The Atlantic
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